
It all started in Bolivia, where Cesar Mendoza Gomez founded the largest Jawa club in South America called Aguilas Legendarias. His vision was simple: to connect all Jawa clubs around the world. This idea became the driving force for other events.

On his journey through South America on his trusty Jawa 350/640, Filip „Kafi“ Kadlec, a member of the second oldest Jawa club in the world „Jawa klub Praha 1961“ met Aguilas Legendarias in Cochabamba, Bolivia. Cesar shared his vision with him and together they agreed: Kafi’s task would be to gradually connect all the Jawa clubs and Jawaarians he would meet during his travels and communicate this inspiring vision to them.

Kafi has embarked on further travels, in South America, Europe and the Middle East. He met with local Jawa clubs and Jawaars in Argentina, Poland, Germany, Turkey, for example, but also met Jawaars from Cuba, Egypt and India, making contacts and friendships. He remained in regular contact with the Aguilas Legendarias, and so the idea of brotherhood gradually matured.
It wasn’t until 2024 that Filip decided to realise his vision. He created the Brotherhood of Jawa Legendarias, which brings together Jawarians from all over the world